

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The First Day of School

Yesterday was the first day of school for my boys, the memory making started early this year with Braden's bus not stopping for him.  So it's back to the grind for my now Senior, and 6th Grader!  It was nice to have the morning, aka bathroom to myself for a couple months but glad to have them back on a schedule.  Oh and being a single mom I don't get much time to myself so it's nice to send them off to bed and have my "me" time.

So getting back to this morning, there's no need for an alarm clock anymore when your bed is on the opposite wall of the bathroom and the fact that children don't know how to be quiet.  So I'm laying there and see that I have 25 minutes until my alarm goes off.  Do I stay in bed, or get up?  Maybe try and fall back asleep?  Then the knock at the door, "Hi I'm leaving".  "Already", I say, "Why"?  "Senior Breakfast".  So I get up so I can take the momentous 1st Day of School Pic, give him hugs and try not to cry.
Evan - Senior
Now I hear the other one climbing out of bed, the excitement of starting 6th Grade is quite obvious with all the little noises and humming he's making.  So I decide to stay up and proceed to walk into his room to say good morning and ask him if he wants breakfast.  He says "no I'll eat at school", so I remind him to wear something that matches and to brush his teeth.
Braden - 6th Grade

I hop in the shower and finish getting myself ready for the morning and tell Braden it's time to head down for the bus but first I've got to get that 1st Day of School Pic of him.  We go outside take the pic say our good byes and he heads down.  I finish up getting ready for work check out the window and see Braden still there, ok it's the first day it's a little late.  Well by the time I was heading out the door Braden still hadn't left so I waited with him.  It's now 20 minutes late, call the bus garage they'll send someone for him.  I said don't bother I'll just take him to school as I'm already going to be late for work.  

So finally got Braden to school and only 10 minutes late for work.  My Boss is pretty understanding and I just made up the time at the end of the day.  I did call the bus garage to ask what happened and made it clear that I was not happy, the reply I got was epic "It's the first day of school, cut us some slack". Cut you some slack?   If we were a new stop on the route, ok.  If we didn't live above a daycare where you have to actually pull in the parking lot to pick up and not just stop on the road, ok.  If you hadn't replied oh yes Braden Fix I know exactly who he is you live above Precious People right?

The morning events definitely set the ton of the day and led me to eat poorly.  Emotional eating is my biggest weakness!  I try but getting back to my happy place always includes food.  Unfortunately I did not prepare my meals and snacks for the day.  Had I done that I would've at least ate good food and not over eat.  I did stick to water at least, always try to find the positive and not dwell on the negative.  Tomorrow's a new day, I will wipe the slate clean and start a brand new day.  

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