

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Day 3-9

Day 3-9

So it's been a great week for me!  I lost 4lbs.!!!! Yay me!!!!  I couldn't be happier, but I'm not gonna get myself to excited next week I may gain 4 lbs pack LOL!  I need to get better prepared for the week, of course lack of money also doesn't help someone that's trying to buy all the healthy stuff. 

I can't wait for summer this year.  I'm already planning my garden, I will have the usual cucumber and tomatoes, but will add beans, carrots, lettuce and still thinking about the rest!  I want to do a lot of canning and freezing.  I have thought about doing a crop share if you have one you use send me the name and phone number so I can price them out.

So back to the challenge....I don't even miss coffee it's like I never even had it before.  As a matter of fact I don't miss bread, candy, cookies, sweets, lol.  If I can make it through 1 week I can make it through more.  That's my motto sounds good doesn't it.  I plan on starting some additional cardio and light strength training next week.  I have to get in the groove of my new eating habits before I can try and remember one more thing in the morning.

We have such a nice gym at work and it's FREE!  Can't go wrong with that can you?  Of course on top of my exercise I get at my two jobs and raising two boys and taking care of a house on a single income that is.  I want to thank everyone for their words of encouragement and support it means a lot.  Writing in my blog really helps if you know me you know I LOVE to talk so I have no problem spitting this out in print!  Ha ha!

My son Evan (the 16 yr. old) said if I have to hear "I'm on a cleanse" one more time.....LOL that's what he hears when someone offers me something to eat or drink.  I think I'm going to keep saying it just to aggravate him. 

Well folks stay tuned more to come.....

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