

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Day 1 and 2

So day 1 went well....took my measurements.  I had a meal replacement shake for breakfast, then a banana for my first snack, then salad with tomatoes, romaine, shaved carrots, cucumbers, green onions,  red wine vinegar and 1 tlbsp of sesame oil.   My second snack was an orange then I had another meal replacement for dinner because I had to work my second job and had no time for dinner.  When I got home I ate 2 apples and a carrot.  Took my cleanse pills and off to bed!  My exercise for the day was MOPPING FOR 4 FRICKEN HOURS AT PIER 1!!!!!!!!!!!!

Weight: 245
Right Arm 15.25
Shoulders 17
Chest 52.5
Waist 47.75
Hips 59
Right Thigh 28
Right Calf 14

So some of you may be wondering WHY I would be sharing this horrifying information with you.  Well to be honest it's to make me more accountable.  At the end of the 24 days I want to be able to show progress.  I want others to also see it's not just for skinny people looking to get toned and even skinner!  If I can encourage at least one other person to start they're challenge of eating right and loosing weight I have succeeded!  I'm not saying you have to choose the Advocare 24 Day Challenge, but do SOMETHING! Start with a cleanse though, if your like me you'll need it and it will give you that jumpstart and motivation to keep on going!

Day 2 - I didn't go to work today we are under a state of emergency here in WNY, I didn't want to get stranded at work and have my kids home all alone so I slept until 11am today!  LOL, So everything has been a bit out of wack!  On top of that I got my period (so I know TMI). 

Check out my exercise for today!

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